Indonesia believes castration and the death penalty for rapists - Media Indonesia World News

Indonesia believes castration and the death penalty for rapists

Indonesia believes castration and the death penalty for rapists -

in the wake of a brutal gang rape and murder of a schoolgirl 14 years in northern Sumatra last month, the government is considering severe penalties for rape offenders.

This week, seven teenagers were sentenced to ten years in prison after being convicted of rape and murder of a girl. But the Indonesian government should review its laws, after the crime caused indignation of citizens across the country.

Support the movement to potentially include chemical castration and the death penalty is president Joko Widodo, who stressed that cases of sexual violence should never be taken lightly:

" i want to give a warning about sexual violence against children. I want this to be considered an extraordinary crime, so handling it also would be an extraordinary way, "Mr. Widodo said, as reported by ABC News.

in Indonesia, as well as 35 cases of sexual violence are reported each day according to the national commission. Currently, the penalty for rape in the country weighs a maximum of 15 years for adults, while other crimes, including murder, drug trafficking and terrorism are punishable by death.

Despite overwhelming tension Indonesians to apply more extreme sentences for juvenile offenders, some still prefer to conduct rigorous investigations and fair punishment by opposition to chemical castration. - an attempt to remove the sexual desire of a man injecting drugs

Indonesian national Commission on violence against women, for example, fear that castration will not not effective:

"Castration will not solve the problem," said Azriana, the head of the agency as reported by Wall street Journal.

Instead, it encourages Indonesia to promote education equality as a way to prevent further cases of sexual violence to occur.

of at least a dozen men who were involved in the gang rape of the schoolgirl, five are still under investigation and the search for two other suspects continues.
