Fire unnecessary - Media Indonesia World News

Fire unnecessary

Fire unnecessary -

We call on the magical device that we have in our pockets a "phone" but it should really be called a "communicator ". the amazing advances in technology in recent years have transformed the simple phone (which was quite amazing in its day) in a cross-platform multimedia communication device that gives us the ability to communicate in multiple ways with anyone around the world and if all else fails, actually talk to them (although this can be happily avoided most of the time).

The word "telephone" is an abbreviation of the word "phone" and the word phone is composed of two Greek words, t? The, meaning "far" and ph? NOT? which means "voice". (No sonny, "phone" is no lack of "smartphones" - at least it was not the cause.) So, a phone is a "farvoice". "Honey, there's a man on the farvoice who wants to know what time your flying machines land." It's much less impressive and much older when you say it in plain language, right?

it was not that long ago that we complain people talking about their "mobile phones" in public places. We even used to give people a dirty look if their phone rang in a restaurant. Now, when you look around most restaurants you will see people actively communicate via their "phones" with someone who happens to require their attention - no one except the people they are physically of course. Remember when you have left your home or workplace that meant you were .ly out of touch with everyone? If you want to stay in contact that you had to tell people where you are going and how long you would be there and actually stick to the plan, because if you do not have your house might catch fire and you would not know about it until you have at home.

All new forms of technology are resisted by the people who grew up with earlier forms. I often imagine 60 year-old cavemen sitting around a new-fangled "fire", watching carefully and talk about the dangerous and useless with this new form of heat was. They obtained without for generations so why do they need now? Young cavemen thought "Hmmm ... what can we do with this?" When the first young caveman began developing "write" to record ideas, events and stories, old people probably wanted to know why he could not just remember things like everyone else. When the automobile was invented, I'm sure he was regarded with contempt by the elderly of the day because the horses were already quite fast and quite noisy.

I remember wondering how a fax machine might work. I remember when a cordless phone with an integrated answering machine was incredible. I remember saying that I would not have a mobile phone because I do not need. I remember saying that I do not need a computer. I remember saying that I'll never get a smart phone because I do not receive my emails in real time. I also remember a black and white TV without remote controls. Time rolls and advances in technology, and there is nothing we can do about it. We do not need these new gadgets until we have them, and once we have them we can not live without them. The only issue I see is the decline of social skills. People do not talk to each other more. So put down that magazineright now and start a conversation with the nearest stranger. Magazines huh? Who needs' em?
